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El Reino Infantil El Reino Infantil
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El Reino Infantil net worth

$ 22.2M - $ 133M

El Reino Infantil income

$ 93.2K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 608K
last 30 days
$ 2.47M
last 90 days

El Reino Infantil estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 307K
March 2024$ 889K
February 2024$ 805K
January 2024$ 513K
December 2023$ 675K
November 2023$ 785K
October 2023$ 854K
July 2023$ 426K
June 2023$ 613K
May 2023$ 692K
April 2023$ 680K
March 2023$ 772K
February 2023$ 670K
January 2023$ 641K
December 2022$ 773K
November 2022$ 686K
October 2022$ 716K
September 2022$ 461K
August 2022$ 688K
July 2022$ 779K
June 2022$ 657K
May 2022$ 505K

El Reino Infantil Frequently Asked Questions

What is El Reino Infantil?

El Reino Infantil is a YouTube channel that creates educational and entertaining content for children. It features animated videos, songs, and nursery rhymes to help children learn and have fun.

Who is the target audience of El Reino Infantil?

El Reino Infantil caters to preschool-aged children, typically between the ages of 2 and 6.

Is El Reino Infantil available in multiple languages?

Yes, El Reino Infantil provides content in multiple languages, including Spanish, English, Portuguese, and Italian.

Do they have a website?

Yes, El Reino Infantil has an official website where users can access their videos, games, and merchandise.

Are El Reino Infantil's videos age-appropriate?

Yes, El Reino Infantil ensures that its content is suitable for young children and focuses on educational themes and values.

Is El Reino Infantil affiliated with any other brands or channels?

El Reino Infantil is part of the Moonbug Entertainment network, which specializes in creating content for children.

What are some popular videos on El Reino Infantil?

Some of the most popular videos on the channel include "La Vaca Lola", "El Pollito Pio", and "La Granja de Zenón".

Does El Reino Infantil have live shows or events?

Yes, El Reino Infantil organizes live shows and events where children can meet their favorite characters in person.

How can I contact El Reino Infantil's team or submit fan art?

Users can contact El Reino Infantil's team and submit fan art through their official website or social media channels.