official BRODA SHAGGI Samuel Perry
Video views
Video count
Youtuber since
Comedian, Actor, Content Creator

official BRODA SHAGGI net worth

$ 134K - $ 804K *

official BRODA SHAGGI income

$ 1.29K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 5.51K
last 30 days
$ 13K
last 90 days

BRODA SHAGGI's net worth is estimated to be in the millions. His income primarily comes from his successful career as a comedian, actor, and content creator. Apart from earning through brand endorsements, sponsored content, and live performances, BRODA SHAGGI has also been able to monetize his online presence through YouTube ad revenue. Additionally, BRODA SHAGGI has branched out into other ventures such as music and acting, further adding to his financial success. He has released several music singles, some of which have garnered millions of views on YouTube and other streaming platforms. With his immense popularity and ever-growing fan base, BRODA SHAGGI's net worth is expected to continue rising in the coming years.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

official BRODA SHAGGI estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
January 2025$ 4.41K
December 2024$ 4.32K
November 2024$ 4.23K
September 2024$ 4.21K
August 2024$ 4.16K
May 2024$ 4.08K
April 2024$ 4.09K
March 2024$ 4.01K
February 2024$ 3.94K
January 2024$ 3.9K
December 2023$ 3.86K
November 2023$ 3.84K
October 2023$ 3.85K
July 2023$ 4.54K
June 2023$ 2.09K
May 2023$ 3.48K
April 2023$ 6.28K
March 2023$ 6.62K
February 2023$ 2.71K

official BRODA SHAGGI Frequently Asked Questions

Is BRODA SHAGGI married?

No, BRODA SHAGGI is not married.

What is BRODA SHAGGI's real name?

BRODA SHAGGI's real name is Samuel Perry.

When was BRODA SHAGGI born?

BRODA SHAGGI was born on June 6, 1988.

What is BRODA SHAGGI's occupation?

BRODA SHAGGI is a comedian, actor, and content creator.

What are some of BRODA SHAGGI's popular skits?

Some of BRODA SHAGGI's popular skits include 'Fine boy Agbero,' 'What is the opposite of a sword?,' and 'Oya hit me'.

What social media platforms is BRODA SHAGGI active on?

BRODA SHAGGI is active on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok.

Has BRODA SHAGGI won any awards?

Yes, BRODA SHAGGI has won several awards, including the City People Music Award for Comedy Act of the Year.

Does BRODA SHAGGI have merchandise?

Yes, BRODA SHAGGI has merchandise available on his official website.