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Rick Shiels Golf Rick Shiels Golf
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Rick Shiels Golf net worth

$ 292K - $ 1.75M *

Rick Shiels Golf income

$ 1.43K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 7.94K
last 30 days
$ 25K
last 90 days

It's difficult to estimate the exact net worth of Rick Shiels Golf. However, according to some sources, the channel earns around $1 million per year from Youtube ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. Moreover, Rick Shiels is a successful golf coach and a professional golfer, which means that he earns a significant amount of money from coaching fees and tournament winnings. Overall, Rick Shiels Golf is a profitable and successful Youtube channel that has turned its creator into a successful entrepreneur.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Rick Shiels Golf estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 4.4K
March 2024$ 7.54K
February 2024$ 7.49K
January 2024$ 4.27K
December 2023$ 6.56K
November 2023$ 8.17K
October 2023$ 13.9K
July 2023$ 11.1K
June 2023$ 11.2K
May 2023$ 6.61K
April 2023$ 11.1K
March 2023$ 12K
February 2023$ 8.55K
January 2023$ 9.13K
December 2022$ 8.89K
November 2022$ 7.89K
October 2022$ 11.8K
September 2022$ 8.01K
August 2022$ 16.4K
July 2022$ 16.9K
June 2022$ 16.8K
May 2022$ 12.6K

Rick Shiels Golf Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Rick Shiels Golf?

Rick Shiels Golf is a popular Youtube channel that focuses on providing golf-related content to its subscribers. The channel was created in 2011 by Rick Shiels, a professional golfer and a golf coach from Burnley, England.

What kind of content does Rick Shiels Golf produce?

Rick Shiels Golf produces a wide variety of golf-related content, including golf course vlogs, golf club reviews, golf tips, challenges, and much more.

Is Rick Shiels Golf biased towards certain golf brands?

Some viewers have accused Rick Shiels Golf of being too promotional and biased towards certain brands and products. However, Rick Shiels Golf remains a trusted source of golf-related information and entertainment for millions of people.

Does Rick Shiels Golf have merchandise?

Yes, Rick Shiels Golf has a wide range of merchandise available on their website, including golf clubs, clothing, accessories, and much more.

Does Rick Shiels Golf offer golf coaching?

Yes, Rick Shiels is a professional golf coach and offers coaching services to interested individuals and groups. More information is available on his website.

Where is Rick Shiels Golf based?

Rick Shiels Golf is based in Burnley, England, where Rick Shiels himself is from.