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Shay Mitchell Shannon Ashley Mitchell
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Actress, model, entrepreneur
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Shay Mitchell net worth

$ 93.6K - $ 562K *

Shay Mitchell income

$ 13
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 90
last 30 days
$ 306
last 90 days

Shay Mitchell has achieved significant financial success throughout her career. As of 2021, her estimated net worth is $16 million. Mitchell's wealth primarily comes from her acting projects, brand endorsements, and entrepreneurial ventures. Her role in the popular television series Pretty Little Liars and subsequent acting projects have earned her a substantial income. In addition to acting, Mitchell has secured endorsement deals with various fashion and beauty brands. Mitchell's travel brand, Béis, has also contributed to her net worth. The brand offers a range of travel accessories and has gained a dedicated customer base. Mitchell's entrepreneurial endeavors have expanded her income streams and solidified her financial standing.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Shay Mitchell estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 47
March 2024$ 101
February 2024$ 93
January 2024$ 119
December 2023$ 77
November 2023$ 107
October 2023$ 117
July 2023$ 193
June 2023$ 88
May 2023$ 119
April 2023$ 127
March 2023$ 152
February 2023$ 212
January 2023$ 292
December 2022$ 275
November 2022$ 142
October 2022$ 187
September 2022$ 119
August 2022$ 332
July 2022$ 261
June 2022$ 209
May 2022$ 175

Shay Mitchell Frequently Asked Questions

What is Shay Mitchell's birth name?

Shay Mitchell's birth name is Shannon Ashley Mitchell.

What is Shay Mitchell known for?

Shay Mitchell is known for her role as Emily Fields in the television series Pretty Little Liars.

Is Shay Mitchell married?

No, Shay Mitchell is currently not married.

What is Shay Mitchell's occupation?

Shay Mitchell is an actress, model, and entrepreneur.

What is the name of Shay Mitchell's travel brand?

Shay Mitchell co-founded a travel brand called Béis.

What social media platforms is Shay Mitchell active on?

Shay Mitchell is active on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Where can I find more information about Shay Mitchell?

You can find more information about Shay Mitchell on her official website at

When was Shay Mitchell born?

Shay Mitchell was born on April 10, 1987.